Automotive Textbook

A free, peer-reviewed automotive textbook for students and instructors to share.

Simply click on the ASE area in the menu to find a table of contents of all listed topics. If the topic is highlighted, there is a downloadable PDF containing the content.

A list of authors and peer reviewers are indicated in each downloadable PDF. Any questions regarding the content should be directed to

As a bonus, there are a few additional training/educational resources.

Manual Drivetrains

NVH and Stability Control

EV course

Engine Controls

Automatic Transmissions

HP Tuners

The following are PDF copies of PowerPoints used by Southern Illinois University faculty in a “Fundamental Vehicle Systems and Repair Training” course offered to GSA employees:

Monday Session: Engine Fundamentals

Tuesday Session: Brakes, Steering, Suspension, Alignments, Tires

Wednesday Session: Engine Electrical and Electronics

Thursday Session: Hybrid and EV Companion Text, Hybrid and EV PowerPoint

Friday Session: Diesel and Truck Systems PowerPoint, Truck Systems Inspection Rules (CFR 49 Part 396)